9ja Ninja's Blog: Men and Woman: How To Get Better In Bed

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Friday, February 6, 2015

Men and Woman: How To Get Better In Bed

Officials of NAFDAC made an arrest recently. They intercepted four truck loads of unregistered aphrodisiacs known as Heragra and Ziagra, peddled as remedies for er*ctile dysfunction and low libido.

Director-General of NAFDAC, Paul Orhii, said these s*x enhancers were imported in dangerous doses that were way above the globally acceptable recommendations.

Orhii says, “The unregistered sildenafil citrate tablets are usually registered and recommended in 25mg, 50mg and 100mg, but the unregistered Heragra and Ziagra that we seized came in a strength of 120mg, which is almost double the recommended strength.”

In simple terms, the drugs came in amounts that could harm any individual who attempts to use these s*x enhancers to boost his performance in bed. An aphrodisiac is a substance that increases libido.

But why use dangerous drugs when there are simple steps you can take today to do well in bed?

Doctors say because they are in high demand in the market, counterfeiters now see producing and selling fake and substandard s*x enhancers to the unsuspecting public as a means of making quick profit.

Tackle stress
Consultant Gynaecologist, Dr. James Onore, notes that work-related stress, which has become a normal hazard in the 21st century, could be the reason why the man or the woman cannot experience sexual desire or gain much pleasure from love-making as they used to.

The expert explains that when a man or woman is stressed out, the body responds by releasing some chemicals that reduce the male and female sexual hormones, hence lowering their libido.

“The body reacts to stress by releasing adrenaline and cortisol and these chemicals interfere with your body’s s*xual hormone levels, and result is a low libido. Stress also narrows the artery, which now restricts bloodflow to the penis — a situation that can also lead to erectile dysfunction.

“The penis will not be as turgid as it should be. The emotional angle is that stress can reduce your libido by distracting you and taking your mind off sexual desire,” Onore states.

Drop the bottle
If you have been drinking a lot of alcohol with your buddies lately, you may score low points in the bedroom. Experts note that while a little alcohol can help lower inhibitions, too much can impair the nervous system and lead to fatigue, making it difficult to get aroused s*xually.

The trick, they say, is for the man to know when to stop on the bottle.

Onore states, “Men who take alcohol to enhance their performance in bed are actually reducing their s*xual performance. Alcohol inhibits sexual performance, it does not boost it. In fact, a glass of wine is all you need to feel good about yourself, which may help you more receptive to the idea of s*x; it does not make you enjoy it. It is better to steer clear of it when you are already experiencing low desires for s*x.”

Sleep at least eight hours a day
Lack of sleep contributes to low sexual desire for women. Onore says quality sleep is an essential ingredient for good s*xual health, especially in women, who tend to sleep less than men generally. To knock out this problem quickly, the gynaecologist says getting at least eight hours of sleep during the weekend would help women reduce stress levels and restore their libido, not to mention the good it will bring into their marriage beds.

It is not just about the man, there are natural aphrodisiacs that can help both male and female get their groove back.

Because many of the natural aphrodisiacs are basically made from plant sources, food experts say they have little or no side effects when compared to synthetic s*x enhancers which may not work and when they do, come with serious and embarrassing side effects.

A natural aphrodisiac, according to sexual health experts on Live Strong, is tomato. Many food experts prefer to call the tomato the “apple of love,” as its juice has been proved to boost the production of some sexual hormones.

Scientists have found aphrodisiac properties in common spices and herbs. Researchers at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, conducted an extensive review of dozens of studies on various plant products thought to have aphrodisiac powers and found ginger to be a very potent sex enhancer.

They say ginger, nutmeg, turmeric powder and jalapeno pepper are powerful aphrodisiacs that increase s*xual prowess by enhancing the secretion of testosterone in men as well as in women.

Tomatoes, they say, have the juice that can improve muscle control in the groin, and can aid in a number of other between-the-sheets efforts, too.

You can use this weekend to make up for the hours of sleep you lost and make your spouse happy!

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