9ja Ninja's Blog: I Share A Joint Bank Account With My Husband - Tricia Eseigbe

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Sunday, March 15, 2015

I Share A Joint Bank Account With My Husband - Tricia Eseigbe

Tricia Eseigbe for the first time and her husband have spoken at length about their 6-year old marriage. Tricia who says she is enjoying her marriage however said something most women of this generation would dare not do- Tricia has a joint bank account with her husband! In a not too long interview, the couple explains how they met, fell in love, and how they have been coping with each other to Punch.

How did you meet your wife?

Kingsley: Our first meeting was in 1999 on the set of a movie called Live Wire. I was the director of the movie while she was the lead character. While on set, we developed a friendship which we sustained even after the movie was completed. When the time was right, we got married.

What attracted you to each other?

Tricia: His personality, ideology and love for God. I always prayed to God for a man that I would be able to relate with. Looking at our professional and private lives, we had a lot in common so it was easy to become attracted to him.

Kingsley: I became attracted to her when we met because she knows what she wants out of life. She has been my best friend and rock all through the years.

How long did you date before you got married?

Kingsley: We were friends for a long time, so it was not really necessary to date for too long before we got married.

How did he propose to you and how did you feel when he did?

Tricia:He proposed in a private and mature way, no drama or fuss; it was just simple and classic. I was very happy just like any woman would be. It is always a dream come true when a man proposes to a single woman.

Was there any opposition from family members?

Kingsley: There was nothing like that. Our families have always been supportive.

How would you describe your marriage?

Tricia: Blissful and I am very grateful to God because marriage has been very good to me. I could not have wished for a better man to be my husband. I thank God for his life and our marriage. My union has drawn me closer to God.

Did you set out to marry someone in your industry?

Tricia: I wanted to marry a good man and wished for God’s will to be perfected in my life. That I am married to someone in my industry is God’s making and not mine.

What would you like to change about each other?

Kingsley: Nothing. We are good the way we are and doing great. We are getting better by the day. Like they say, when it’s not broken, do not try and fix things.

Tricia: I wanted my marriage to be built around our religious beliefs and that is what we have done. Also, there is nothing to change when you marry a man you have a lot in common with. We are fine the way we are and I thank God for that; we can only get better by His grace.

Do you have access to each other’s phones and social media accounts?

Kingsley: Yes, we do. We do not hide anything from each other. We are very transparent with our phones and details of our social media accounts.

Tricia: He has all the passwords and so do I. At any time, we can access these accounts and know what is trending in our lives. It is encouraging to do that because it helps to build trust.

How do you spend time together?

Kingsley: When we are not working, we spend time together outdoors and this usually happens on Sundays, after church service.

What common hobbies do you share?

Tricia: I love football as much as he does. We like to chat, educate ourselves and share experiences to mention but a few. We enjoy doing things together.

Do you operate a joint bank account?

Kingsley: Yes, we have a joint account.

Do you get jealous of your wife’s male fans?

Kingsley: No, I don’t because it’s normal for her to have male fans. I do not get jealous or encourage people to because it’s unnecessary and only brings about negative energy in a relationship.

Has marriage affected your acting career in any way?

Tricia: My love for acting is evergreen and I really haven’t been featuring in movies because I am actively engaged with other things. In the last few years, I have shot and produced some. In the near future, I will create time to act in movies because my husband is willing to produce more movies which I will take part in. For now, I have other commitments that have prevented me from acting. It has nothing to do with my marriage.

How have you managed to stay happy and together as a couple despite the high failure rate of celebrity marriages?

Kingsley: I don’t believe marriages fail because of status or profession, it is always about the individuals; their feelings at the time, Are they happy or not? Do they want to address and fix their concerns or challenges? If yes, they will try and make it work.

The secret to our happiness is simply God and we invested more time in understanding of His word because it is a manual on its own. If you fear, respect and honour God’s words and commandments, you can only get it right in a relationship.

How do you handle disagreements?

Kingsley: There will always be differences in opinion and approach to situations. We try not to get into an argument or quarrel so we try to talk in a civilised manner. We also devise a medium to address issues within a reasonable time. We do not bear grudges and do not invite a third party to settle misunderstandings.

Tricia: Communication in a marriage is important. If you don’t ask and get an answer from your partner, your imagination may run wild and the devil will take advantage of your confused state of mind. It is better to approach your partner and get the right answers.

What pet names do you call each other?

Tricia:I have a special pet name for him and he has one for me as well which we will not disclose. We have decided to keep these names to ourselves, its fun that way.

Has marriage deprived you of your freedom?

Tricia: No, it has not. Marriage is not a prison, so I still have my freedom to do whatever I like doing. We are in it together to support and enhance each other.My husband promised to allow me to do whatever I want and he has kept to his words.

What are the secrets to a lasting union?

Kingsley: Understanding each other’s values and the ideas you place in the relationship. The highest premium is building your relationship around God. A true believer knows how to behave and this will reflect in everything they do, even in their relationship.

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