Money is good, everyone needs money, but the love of money is dangerous, it blinds your conscience:
Reading the Premium Times investigation report of how former president Goodluck Jonathan, oil goddess Diezani Alison Madueke, mogul Tunde Ayeni and Idahosa Wells setup a siphon to drain as much as 100 million dollars monthly via unnecessary and hyper-inflated ship lines, one has to conclude that the former Jonathan administration is the greatest thieving establishment in world history.
When we look at all the revelations as they keep pouring in...
of different set-ups used to loot our treasury, illegal oil sales, enabled and government official organised illegal oil lifting, brief-case marketers, fake and non-existant mobile podia, diversion of billions to procure arms while the administration confessed that it was unwilling or unable to buy them through its five years, and all other mechanisims of looting at all levels of the treasury, one can only conclude that Ali Baba with his forty thieves was a saint compared to Goodluck Jonathan.
Jonathan is a fraud; a master fraud. All his supporters are thieves. Those who wrote for him and campaigned for him are thieves or so blinded they should be barred from voting till they get therapy. The pastors and Imams who advocated for him must be banned from the pulpit, they are risks to society. The Femi's who keep writing for him are unrepentant thieves.
Jonathan is the worst president the world has ever known. I dare anyone to show of a greater thief in written world history. You cannot find one. Nigeria put a Lawrence Anini at it's helm of affairs. We must thank God that we survived to tell the tale.
Dr. Peregrino Brimah
http://ENDS.ng [Every Nigerian Do Something]
Email: drbrimah@ends.ng Twitter: @EveryNigerian
Nigeria ex-president indeed.
ReplyDeleteLook guys... I get it. .. his Govt was corrupt.
ReplyDeleteBut I am suprised at the level of hypocrisy going on now... because I am sure that every other government before him was corrupt.
So... to claim that gej ran the most corrupt system in world history is just lame. The military era left the country with nothing in its coffers. The one government is still a subject of international debate as to the far reaching extents of the corruption. So... spare me all these posts...
I just want this regime to recover all the stolen finds from all the thieves.. past or distant past. And let's stop this Cock-eyed righteousness. It's starting to piss me off.
@joblezz people leave GEJ alone
ReplyDeleteYou still didn't make any point Dr. Peregrino Brimah. All we need are claims with backup facts not mere theory. I don't believe in slanderous statements which are basically aimed at tarnishing someone's goodwill and image. Your comments are like Epidemics which if unchecked will grow into a Pandemonium. We need claims with physical facts to be able to justify that your assertions are logical and right.
ReplyDeleteYou too, you should be banned from writing...
ReplyDeleteDid you wake up from a night mare. Maybe money has been pushed into your account and it had inspired you to write fairy tales that do not pass any message. Please go and find something better to do with the amount of years you have left
ReplyDelete"Pot calling Kitle,Black".......as if you are a scent or better. Writting every nonsence comes out of that your mouth, if your are opportun you will worst than the devil it self. Just leave GEJ alone for he is a good man, he maybe sorrounded by thieves that spoil his government but he is different or better than any president has ever produce. Is it not the same corrupt people still surround this present government? But don't worry we are still watching the change.