9ja Ninja's Blog: Rukky Sanda Speaks On Personality, Body Enhancement & Bleaching

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Rukky Sanda Speaks On Personality, Body Enhancement & Bleaching

Beautiful actress, Rukky Sanda has said contrary to people’s believe that she has one time had to go under the knife to look beautiful is nothing but FALSE. The actress said all she does is contour her body and never forgets her fitness regimens. She also spoke about her alleged bleaching…. Below is what she told Punch;

Body enhancement

The truth is that I’ve never undergone plastic surgery of any kind and I have nothing against it or persons who have given it a shot. I have several fitness regimens and I also contour my body. That way, my body has a svelte outline that many mistake for body enhancement.


I’m very reserved, contrary to what many people think of me. I am also not outgoing but owing to the nature of my career, I tend to attend quite a number of functions.


Again, I am naturally light-skinned so my beauty regimen involves maintaining my skin tone and complexion. I am confident in my own skin and body. I definitely do not need any artificial enhancement of any sort to keep up with any societal expectations. My beauty and skin routine is pretty straightforward; I use a lot of scrub and visit the spa whenever I find the time to.

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