These indeed aren’t the best of times for the actress. This story is exclusive to cityrovers blogspot. Their report;
These are indeed not too rosy times for gifted thespian Toyin Aimakhu. After suffering a marriage breakup from her union with her actor hubby, Adeniyi Johnson, she was recently battered by another man she felt would have a strong shoulder to cry on.
Barely few weeks after her union with Niyi Johnson broke down, beautiful and talented actress Toyin Aimakhu decided to sail on another love boat; this time around, she found a love sailor in a known socialite known as Seun Egbegbe.
Surprisingly, about a time the issue of their new found love was hugging klieg light, it came like a thunderbolt that the boat ferrying the new lover has sailed to the end of the road. Before any one could ask the question why, it was all over the social media that the actress was battered by Seun Egbegbe.
Now, the story has moved from insult to injury. Cityroversblogspot.com exclusively gathered that Seun Egbegbe recently stormed a movie location in Surulere Lagos, where Toyin was working on the set of an actress simply known as Sophie Ejigha; and the lanky socialite publicly demanded Toyin should return the Range Rover SUV he ‘dashed’ her in the heat of the moment of their romance or hell will be let loose. Though, the owners of the property where the shooting was taking place prevented Egbegbe to gain access into the building, but he made sure many people heard so many unprintable things about his new lover Toyin, spicing it up with a threat to beat her around the town should she fail to return the vehicle.

Toyin and a few friends we were reliably informed put a call to the police who came to salvage the situation before it degenerated into chaos.
After the police was able to douse the raging tension, the car was later taken to Seun Egbegebe with Toyin’s permission.
Hmmm, Wat a disgrace