9ja Ninja's Blog: WTF? The Jos Lion They Killed 2 Days Ago Was Used For Meat? (Photo)

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Saturday, December 5, 2015

WTF? The Jos Lion They Killed 2 Days Ago Was Used For Meat? (Photo)

A LIB reader in Jos just sent this photo. Says this is the lion that was killed in Jos on Tuesday Dec. 2nd after it escaped from its enclosure at the Jos wildlife park. He says they cut it for meat! Hope the Plateau state Tourism Corporation will deny this. Or they can use dead lion for meat?

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  1. Bcos that was their initial plan if not they would have used the other device like sleeping bullet not killing

  2. Y'all can make stupid cases look important. Wait, i know wat dey shuld have done,, y not buy a nice lion-coffin n invite ppl for burial. Oh wait, lets stuff it with saw dust n make a monument for de poor lion....
    Dem don chop am be say dem don chop am... y'all just shut d'fuck up already.


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