9ja Ninja's Blog: 10 Rappers Who Went From Overweight To Over-Toned [Page 4]

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

10 Rappers Who Went From Overweight To Over-Toned [Page 4]

7. Mike Jones

When rapper Mike Jones released his 2004 debut album Who Is Mike Jones, he was a pretty big guy, and we don’t mean in the music industry. Over the years, the Back Then rapper has lost a considerable amount of weight, and has even been unrecognizable to some of his fans. There have been reports that the rapper, who has been out of the spotlight for some time, has lost 100 pounds in about a month’s time! Jones’ ex-fiance Vivica states that the rapper’s new chiseled physique, which is a very drastic change from the body he had before, isn’t a result of exercise and diet. Which leaves us to wonder whether he’s suffering from an addiction or medical condition.

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