9ja Ninja's Blog: REVEALED: Why INEC Postponed Nigeria 2015 General Elections For 6 Weeks [MUST READ]

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Saturday, February 7, 2015

REVEALED: Why INEC Postponed Nigeria 2015 General Elections For 6 Weeks [MUST READ]

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has decided to postpone the 2015 General Elections.

INEC reached the decision at a stakeholders meeting held today, February 7. INEC had earlier announced that it would reach a final decision today.

An official close to the commission told The Associated Press that INEC had decided to postpone the election for six weeks due to the threat posed by Boko Haram.

The source added that the poll shift would allow extra time for a newly constituted multinational force to secure the North-East which is currently being plagued by Boko Haram attacks.

It would also enable the commission continue distribution of Permanent Voters Cards (PVC) to citizens to prevent mass disenfranchisement.

INEC is expected to make an official announcement of the postponement at a news conference later in the day.

The initial call for the postponement of the polls was made by National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki but it was voted against by the Council of State.

US Secretary of State, John Kerry also warned Nigeria against postponing the polls.

Story developing.

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