9ja Ninja's Blog: 10 Most Evil Women In History Of The World [Page 2]

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

10 Most Evil Women In History Of The World [Page 2]

9. Myra Hindley

Born in the year 1942, Myra Hindley was an English serial killer. In partnership with Ian Brady, she committed the rapes and murders of five small children. Together these two monsters were responsible for the kidnapping, sexual abuse, torture and murder of three children under the age of twelve and two teenagers, aged 16 and 17. Hindley’s 17-year-old brother-in-law tipped her off to the police. Hindley plead not guilty to all of the murders. She was found guilty of three murders and was jailed for life. She was never released, and died in prison in 2002.

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