9ja Ninja's Blog: See The 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones In The World - Number 1 Will Leave You Speechless

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

See The 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones In The World - Number 1 Will Leave You Speechless

Phone is a major requirement of our daily lives. Mobile phone or even has the prices vary widely ranging from the cheapest phones in the world up to the most expensive mobile phone in the world.

If you’re in the market for a phone that will do nearly everything, then you should expect to pay a lot of money. Here is a list of world’s top 10 most expensive mobile phones.

10. Vertu Signature Diamond

Exclusive luxury phones from Vertu. Vertu is very famous for its luxury mobile phone products, including mobile phones Vertu Signature Diamond is included in order to-10 list of the world’s most expensive mobile phones. This phone is made of platinum and claimed the best assembly process is done by hand, not machines. Phone decorated with a pretty fancy diamonds produced only 200 pieces. The price of this phone is $ 88,000.

Kindly click on the next page to continue with the list…….

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